Ready dok budok-budok?
Ho laa, kepten!
Gapo dio? HO LAA, KEPTEN!
Podio dok dale buoh lanah bowoh laut?
Spongebob Sluar kotok!
Sene meresap bewarno kuning.
Spongebob Sluar kotok!
Kalu demo suko bendo laut hok ngarut.
Spongebob Sluar kotok!
Pah mari la pakat nopat supo ike.
Spongebob Sluar Kotok! Ready?
Sponge............bob Sluar Kkotok,(3x)
Spongebobbb Sluar kotok
dah abeh try bahasa kelantan?sekarang kita try bahasa Kedah pulak.ahaha
Hampa redi dah ka weii??
Haa kapten,
Apadia?Tak dengaq nie!!
Haaa la kapten..
Sapa hat dok dalam nanaih wah laut?
"Spanbob Seluaq Petak"
Belubang,meghesap paihtu wana kunin
"Spanbob Seluaq Petak"
Kalau hampa suka benda laut hat ngarut
"Spanbob seluaq Petak"
Mai la sini teghejun cam ikan temenung
"Spanbob seluaq Petak"
Spanbob seluaq Petak
Spanbob seluaq Petak
Spanbob seluaq Petak
Spanbob...seluaq Petak!
kah..kah9 :D
Friday, August 12, 2011
Friday, July 29, 2011
rajagopal perlu ditunjukan jalan keluar...
Kumpulan pertama : Asrarudin Putra Omar, Mohd Fadhli Shas, Amar Rohidan, S.Kunalan, Amirulhadi Zainal, Ahmad Fakri Saarani, dan terbaru Ismail Faruqi Ashaari.
Kumpulan kedua : Baddrol Bakhtiar, Shakir Shaari, Ashaari Shamsudin, Rizal Fahmi Rosid, dan Azmi Muslim.
Tahukah anda apa beza antara dua kumpulan pemain yang disenaraikan ini? Kumpulan pertama, favourite player Datuk K.Rajagobal yang terjamin tempat mereka dalam kesebelasan utama atau setidak-tidaknya sebagai gantian, langsung tidak tergugat walau seteruk manapun mereka beraksi di atas padang.
Manakala kumpulan kedua, pemain yang sekadar menjadi pelengkap senarai/kuota pemain walau sehebat mana aksi mereka bersama pasukan negeri masing-masing, atau sebagus manapun komitmen diberikan sewaktu sessi latihan skuad kebangsaan, berbanding pemain di dalam kumpulan pertama.
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Azmi, pelengkap |
Nyata, pemilihan Rajagobal masih bersandarkan kepada prestasi lampau, bukan prestasi semasa. Mungkin oleh sebab itulah, seburuk mana aksi Asrarudin Putra, tiada ruang buat Azmi Muslim mencuri tempatnya sama ada di kesebelasan utama, mahupun sebagai pemain gantian.
Mungkin oleh sebab itu juga, prestasi Amar semakin merudum perlawanan demi perlawanan, kerana dia yakin tiada ruang buat Shakir Shaari mengambil alih tempatnya, dia pemain kesayangan Rajagobal, main dengan rating 3/10 masih boleh kekal 90 minit perlawanan.
Dan disebabkan alasan yang sama jugalah, Ahmad Fakri Saarani yang tidak langsung berkesan pada perlawanan pertama, menjadi pilihannya untuk menggantikan Abdul Hadi berbanding Ashaari Shamsudin atau Baddrol Bakhtiar, dan ‘pulangannya cukup lumayan’, dapat dilihat dengan jelas pada perlawanan semalam.
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Amar, tidak begitu berfungsi |
Rajagobal nyata tidak menghargai sepenuhnya bakat yang ada dalam skuadnya, stick to one batch of players.
Apabila jurulatih berusia 55 tahun ini mengumumkan senarai pemain yang dipanggil untuk menjalani latihan, terbit keyakinan dalam diri setiap peminat, betapa inilah skuad yang akan mencipta sejarah demi sejarah baru bolasepak tanah air kerana ia menghimpunkan barisan pemain terbaik Liga Malaysia.
Namun sayangnya, himpunan pemain berbakat besar sekadar untuk melengkapkan senarai pemain, dan sekadar menjadi pemerhati – Rajagobal gemar menurunkan lineup sama, apabila diganti pun dengan anak emasnya juga, jadi mengapa bersusah payah memanggil wajah-wajah baru, jika mereka tidak diberi peluang membuktikan kehebatan, cukuplah sekadar mempunyai 15 pemain, kenapa perlu 24 pemain?
Alasan mereka tidak bersedia, belum layak, tiada pengalaman sebenarnya tidak boleh lagi digunapakai – kalau itu alasannya mengapa menurunkan Khairul Fahmi di Sukan Asia 2010 lalu, bukankah dia tiada pengalaman ketika itu, namun mempamerkan aksi cemerlang?
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Shakir, tiada peluang |
Mengapa mengandingkan Muslim Ahmad, Mahali Jasuli dan Fadhli Shas di Piala AFF Suzuki lalu, bukankah mereka mentah pengalaman tetapi tetap menjadi tonggak sehingga muncul juara? Dan persoalan paling utama, mengapa menurunkan Ismail Faruqi di kesebelasan utama pada kedua-dua perlawanan menentang Singapura, bukankah dia juga mentah dari segi pengalaman?
Jadi, aspek atau kriteria apakah yang dinilai Rajagobal sebelum menentukan LINEUP untuk setiap perlawanan? Kecergasan? Komitmen? Pengalaman? Ketenangan? Disiplin? Apa kriteria untuk menjadi anak emas, atau favourite player, adakah kerana mereka Pak Turut?
Contoh lain, umum mengetahui Sharbini Allawee adalah hero Rajagobal ketika Sukan Sea Laos 2009, justeru atas faktor itulah Sharbini kekal sebagai no.1 dalam MINDSET Rajagobal, cuma kecederaan Sharbini memaksanya menurunkan Khairul Fahmi sebagai penjaga gol ‘bidan terjun’ di Sukan Asia.
Bukti yang nyata, siapakah penjaga gol Malaysia ketika tewas 1-5 kepada Indonesia pada perlawanan pertama Piala AFF – Sharbini, walhal bukankah penjaga gol itu tidak beraksi 2 bulan dan baru pulih daripada kecederaan, manakala Apek pula ketika itu di kemuncak prestasi. Apakah yang meyakinkannya untuk menurunkan Sharbini, ANAK EMAS (Ketepikan soal kenegerian, di sini kita bercakap soal prestasi).
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Apek, cemerlang |
Seharusnya pada perlawanan menentang Singapura di Jalan Besar, apabila sudah bolos 3 gol, Sharbini seharusnya sudah dikeluarkan (diakui Datuk Subahan Kamal, pengurus pasukan), namun beraksi sehingga tamat perlawanan? Kenapa, ANAK EMAS.
Namun Rajagobal pandai menutup semua itu, dengan menurunkan Apek pada perlawanan semalam, dan memuji aksi cemerlang penjaga gol Kelantan itu.
Keputusan Rajagobal menggantikan Ismail Faruqi (attacking minded) dengan K.Gurusamy (defensive minded) menimbulkan satu lagi tanda tanya, apatah lagi Malaysia perlu mencari 2 gol dan perlu menyerang, bukannya bertahan. Sudah ada Amar di posisi DM, mengapa tidak memasukkan Baddrol untuk menghidupkan barisan depan yang buntu idea, dan hanya mengharapkan Safee Sali?
Keluarkan Hadi, masukkan Fakri? Sekali lagi, mengapa tidak Baddrol atau Ashaari Shamsudin? Jangan kerana status mereka selaku ANAK EMAS/FAVOURITE PLAYER atau apa saja gelaran diberi, bakat lain yang ada disia-siakan begitu sahaja.
Kalau tidak, tidak mustahil di masa akan datang pasukan negeri atau kelab keberatan untuk melepaskan pemain mereka ke kem kebangsaan, kerana mereka inginkan pemain mereka menyumbang khidmat kepada negara, bukan duduk menangguk di bangku simpanan.
Monday, April 11, 2011
lines plan..(LPL)
Just finished working on my lines plan assignment and suddenly I feel like I want to write something about it. Let me introduce you guys with the most 'lovable' subject in this semester, Lines Plan (LPL 232)
Lines plan is the three most basic drawings of a ship, showing its general hull form. It consists of the profile or sheer plan, the waterline plan and the body plan. To build a ship, firstly you must have to draw the ship's lines plan. The lines plan of a boat provide an immediate indication of her looks, performance, and sea-worthiness. Got it? That is the simples explanation I can give.
It is almost three weeks since we got our assignment and we're still have a long way to go. It is the most toughest and complicated subject. We have to choose either a tanker ship, a container ship or a general cargo ship then we have to draw its lines plan based on the informations given. We have to do a lot of calculation and draw graphs, starting with the Curved Sectional Area (CSA) graph and so on. This time I have to play with a very detailed figures and measurements, that was all the fun was about.
That's all for now, I will update on this later. Now let's take a look on how the Lines Plan looks like.
The final lines plan of a ship, consisting of the three basic drawings of a ship. This is from Google, take note about that. I have a long way to go to complete these drawings.
Thursday, March 31, 2011
kesabaran ku tercabar...
asalamualaikum n salam evolusi....
sorry sbb da xperlu nk mukadimah yg puitis2 dah sbb aty ngah bengang tahap bapak sgale cipan yg ade kat dunie nii...huh....just straight to da pointt....
semalam....aku g makan la kn kt kdai mkn ni name kdai ni "kedai m**a*"....sbenanye aku xbrape ske mkn kat c 2 sbb xsedap...ntah cmane ntah aku bole plak trpengaruh ngn mem aku sorg ni (name drahsiekn ats sbb2 trtntu) yg bole ajk aku mkn c 2..last2 bile pk balik..prut da lapar...hnye berbekalkn nasi yg aku mkn pkol 9 pg..mane larat nk idup..aku pon g jelahhh....
aku smpai kat kdai 2 dlm pkol 9.50mlm...aku pon dduk la...then pkrje kdai 2 pon datang...smbil bawak ketas dan "marker pen" utk amek oder la kn..dlm aty aku pon brkate "makkk aiiii...!!maju gile kdai ni..amek oder pon da kai merker pen daa"hahahha...siot je aty aku nii...
tnpe melngah kn mase lagi..aku pon oder la air knduri 2 sbb air ni mmg snng nk wt n kaler pon agak mnarik s gadis kat lua sane...erm btul ke ni??hahah tibai je la...hahah..air sirap..n makn lak aku oder menu kg..nasi grg kg la bab yg aku nk puji psl kdai ni la kn...cbe korg byg kan..baru je 4 or 5 kelip mate..air aku dah smpai..haha..bukan main pantas lagi..i likee..hahaha....
dgn lafaz bsmillah aku pon mghirup la air yg kler merah 2..perghhh...sedap nye..hehe...tapi 2 lah..ku sgkekan panas smpai ke ptg..upe2nye hujan ditmabah ribut ngn tsunaminye lagi d tgh ary..
nk dijadikan crite..jam da kol 10.30...tgu pnye tgu..nasi aku xsmpai ag...
wahhh mne nasi aku nii...xkn tkang masak die org bndar kot..smpai xreti nk msak nasi grg kg...huh...mmg mnyirap gilerr laa...nasib baik la mem aku suh aku btenang..die ckp..sabar yoo..sabar yoo...(poyo giler mem aku nii)..
ok aku pon sabar la kn...sabar sabar sabar..jam da kol 11...aku xnk ckp byk korg leh taw aku pnye prasaan cmane....haha..
aku da xlarat sgt nk tgu..n prut pon da wt tarian poco2 da ni...nsb baik la ade sorg abg 2 terpekik ckp..dik ni nasi sape nii...xde org pnye...aku pon pe lagi..aku ckp.."xpelah la sy jelah..da lame ni sy igt kdai ni kne custemer g masak sndri menu yg dorg oder"
aku pon mkn la nasi grg biase ntah sape pnye la 2..baru je 2 3 suap aku ngap..tibe2 je org 2 anta nasi grg yg aku oder tadi..hahaha mmg dugaan aku...
lantas dgn slmbernye aku ckp."xpelah lah kak..simpan jela esk ke luse ke..snng nnt sy dtg lagi xyah oder da..akk bg je nasi ni..cpt ckit ciap"hahahha..pdn mke...agk kuang aja d situ.....
sorry sbb da xperlu nk mukadimah yg puitis2 dah sbb aty ngah bengang tahap bapak sgale cipan yg ade kat dunie nii...huh....just straight to da pointt....
semalam....aku g makan la kn kt kdai mkn ni name kdai ni "kedai m**a*"....sbenanye aku xbrape ske mkn kat c 2 sbb xsedap...ntah cmane ntah aku bole plak trpengaruh ngn mem aku sorg ni (name drahsiekn ats sbb2 trtntu) yg bole ajk aku mkn c 2..last2 bile pk balik..prut da lapar...hnye berbekalkn nasi yg aku mkn pkol 9 pg..mane larat nk idup..aku pon g jelahhh....
aku smpai kat kdai 2 dlm pkol 9.50mlm...aku pon dduk la...then pkrje kdai 2 pon datang...smbil bawak ketas dan "marker pen" utk amek oder la kn..dlm aty aku pon brkate "makkk aiiii...!!maju gile kdai ni..amek oder pon da kai merker pen daa"hahahha...siot je aty aku nii...
tnpe melngah kn mase lagi..aku pon oder la air knduri 2 sbb air ni mmg snng nk wt n kaler pon agak mnarik s gadis kat lua sane...erm btul ke ni??hahah tibai je la...hahah..air sirap..n makn lak aku oder menu kg..nasi grg kg la bab yg aku nk puji psl kdai ni la kn...cbe korg byg kan..baru je 4 or 5 kelip mate..air aku dah smpai..haha..bukan main pantas lagi..i likee..hahaha....
dgn lafaz bsmillah aku pon mghirup la air yg kler merah 2..perghhh...sedap nye..hehe...tapi 2 lah..ku sgkekan panas smpai ke ptg..upe2nye hujan ditmabah ribut ngn tsunaminye lagi d tgh ary..
nk dijadikan crite..jam da kol 10.30...tgu pnye tgu..nasi aku xsmpai ag...
wahhh mne nasi aku nii...xkn tkang masak die org bndar kot..smpai xreti nk msak nasi grg kg...huh...mmg mnyirap gilerr laa...nasib baik la mem aku suh aku btenang..die ckp..sabar yoo..sabar yoo...(poyo giler mem aku nii)..
ok aku pon sabar la kn...sabar sabar sabar..jam da kol 11...aku xnk ckp byk korg leh taw aku pnye prasaan cmane....haha..
aku da xlarat sgt nk tgu..n prut pon da wt tarian poco2 da ni...nsb baik la ade sorg abg 2 terpekik ckp..dik ni nasi sape nii...xde org pnye...aku pon pe lagi..aku ckp.."xpelah la sy jelah..da lame ni sy igt kdai ni kne custemer g masak sndri menu yg dorg oder"
aku pon mkn la nasi grg biase ntah sape pnye la 2..baru je 2 3 suap aku ngap..tibe2 je org 2 anta nasi grg yg aku oder tadi..hahaha mmg dugaan aku...
lantas dgn slmbernye aku ckp."xpelah lah kak..simpan jela esk ke luse ke..snng nnt sy dtg lagi xyah oder da..akk bg je nasi ni..cpt ckit ciap"hahahha..pdn mke...agk kuang aja d situ.....
Monday, March 28, 2011
seaman life..
Between the innocence of infancy and
The recklessness of adultery comes that unique
Specimen of humanity known as a seaman
Seamen can be found in bars, in arguments
In bed, in debt and intoxicated.
They are tall, short, fat, thin, dark, fair but never normal.
They dislike ships food, chief engineers, writing letters
Sailing on Saturdays and dry ships.
They like receiving mail, paying off day, nude pin ups,
Sympathy, complaining and beer.
A seamans secret ambition is to change positions
With the owner for just one trip, to own a brewery
And to be loved by everyone in the world.
A seaman is a Sir Galahad in a Japenese brothel,
A pyschiatrist with Readers Digest on the table,
Don Quixote with a discharge book,
The saviour of mankind with his back teeth awash,
Valentino with a fiver in his back pocket and
Democracy personified in a red Chinese prison cell.
No one is subject to so much abuse, wrongly accused,
So often misunderstood by so many as a seaman.
He has the patience of Job, the honesty of a fool,
And the heaven sent ability to laugh at himself.
When he returns home from a long voyage
No one else but a seaman can create such an atmosphere
Of suspense and longing as he walks through the door
With the magic words on his lips,
The recklessness of adultery comes that unique
Specimen of humanity known as a seaman
Seamen can be found in bars, in arguments
In bed, in debt and intoxicated.
They are tall, short, fat, thin, dark, fair but never normal.
They dislike ships food, chief engineers, writing letters
Sailing on Saturdays and dry ships.
They like receiving mail, paying off day, nude pin ups,
Sympathy, complaining and beer.
A seamans secret ambition is to change positions
With the owner for just one trip, to own a brewery
And to be loved by everyone in the world.
A seaman is a Sir Galahad in a Japenese brothel,
A pyschiatrist with Readers Digest on the table,
Don Quixote with a discharge book,
The saviour of mankind with his back teeth awash,
Valentino with a fiver in his back pocket and
Democracy personified in a red Chinese prison cell.
No one is subject to so much abuse, wrongly accused,
So often misunderstood by so many as a seaman.
He has the patience of Job, the honesty of a fool,
And the heaven sent ability to laugh at himself.
When he returns home from a long voyage
No one else but a seaman can create such an atmosphere
Of suspense and longing as he walks through the door
With the magic words on his lips,
Friday, March 18, 2011
dimensi minda berkata..
assalamuailaikum dan salam evolosi...kepade sahabat2 sekalian...
hahah hampir bermingu2..akhirnya terupdate jgk blog aku ni....sibuk dgn pelbagai assgment yg belum tntu bole siap lagi ...hehe...ntah mgape tetibe atyku terpangil utk mengarang sesuatu pekare yg aku pon xpasti ape yg aku nk karang ni even aku taw yg aku ni bkn lah seorg blogger yg bagus dr segi penggunaan bahasa mahupon kosa kata,penanda wacana or wht ever lagi la yg berkaitan dgn mnatang ni..hehhee....
dari sudut ketidakpastian yg menyelebungi segale pemikiran adalah punce daripada sikap seseorang itu sndri....disebabkan pekare tersebutlah aku jd hilang fokus tyme main game moto gp ngn mem aku tadi.sambil ditemani oleh alunan band alkaline trio yg mnjadi kegilaan aku since skola da merapu nii....ok2..berbalik kepade topik yg asal.."dimensi minda berkata"...
korang faham x ape 2 dimensi minda...klau xtahu bia aku perjelaskan ape bende 2...dimensi minda ni..sesuatu perkare yg bermain kat fikiran korang yg korang tahu ape yg korg kene wt tapi susah nk jadi..hahah..mcm 2 lah lebih kurang nyee...
dari segi emosi nye lah..aku memang ske sgt beremosi scare mndalam...n ske sgt bermain dgn fikiran aku sndri...plik ke???x kan...xsalah kn..kite bkn kacau kacau org pon...tapi..jgn melampau..nnt effect nye sgt mndalam..hahah...maka dari situ kite kene sentiase memahami ape yg patut kite terjemahkan dalam setiap arus2 pemikiran serta tindak balas yg akan terjadi sekirenye sesuatu pekare yg kite lakukan itu mampu memberi impak kpd dri kite..disebabkan oleh pengawalan minda yg gagal berfungssi dgn sepatut nye...terjadilah satu kesan yg mampu membunuh segale sel2 pemikiran serta tidak lagi menimplikasikan dan menrime pergerakan dari saraf2 yg sentiase bekerje dalam diri kite...
Thursday, February 17, 2011
otak gileeee!!!!
apabile habit dikala dlu2 kembali mengusai jiwe kami semua...maka wujudla pekare yg tidak dapat dikáwal oleh jasad2 yg mguasai jiwe kami....disini,kami dapat merealisasikan apa itu maksud sebenar perkataan '"boring" tahap dewa.......
(jangan tiru aksi ini di rumah,kelas,bilik air,di khlayak ramai,di msjid ataupon di depan polis)
aksi ini hanyelah sekadar aksi mcm crite2 jakie chan yg korg tgk ape bezenye hanyelah kami ini datangnye dari mlysia,, smue 2 xpnting sbenarnye...yg pnting kami telah brejaye....
brjaye ape???
yeppp brjaye mnghabiskan slot aksi selame 3jam disini kami sempat sertakan hnye 2 keping je lahh...dsbbkan terdapat aksi2 yg mlampau dan tidak ptt disiarkn di klngn umum oleh pihak media...hahhaha....
kalu korg sume nk taw....
luahan cinte itu ibarat melpaskan kntut....
hahha wlaupon bnde ni nmpak cm selekeh ni lah kbenarannyee...
cbe korg pkir...
klau ditahan...msti sakit knn..
kalau dilepas..malu la plakk...
kalau dah kluarr...fuhhhh!!!!lege gilerr...
so renung2kn la...
(hak milik kerajaann)
luahan cinte itu ibarat melpaskan kntut....
hahha wlaupon bnde ni nmpak cm selekeh ni lah kbenarannyee...
cbe korg pkir...
klau ditahan...msti sakit knn..
kalau dilepas..malu la plakk...
kalau dah kluarr...fuhhhh!!!!lege gilerr...
so renung2kn la...
(hak milik kerajaann)
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
life as a third degree criminal
Life sucks. Life sucks balls thought 15-year old Mark Carmen. How did I get myself into this mess he asked himself. Mark traced the lines on his palm over and over again. Mark had been in juvie but he had turned 18 while still in there and was shipped over to the jail. (Which was right across the street by the way.)
"Mark Carmen," asked a police officer.
"Yes, that’s me," Mark replied in a very somber tone.
"You can go home now," replied the officer. Unlocking the gate, the guard strided over and unlocked Mark’s handcuffs. Mark silently walked out of jail and into the public traffic. It was now 8 pm and everyone was buzzing to get home. Walking by people who merely gave him nothing more than a sideways glance always aggravated him. Now he appreciated it more than ever. As he was walking down the crowded streets, nothing seemed right. Everything had changed in those 4 and a half months and no one ever told him. Soon he found himself back on track as he passes the Lotus Flower. He took a quick peek inside and thought he saw his friend Albert Macintosh. Mark looked more closely. Yep, that is defiantly him.
Albert’s POV
I loved my life at the moment. I loved everything about except for one little thing that was nagging me at the back of my head. Today was important, but I couldn’t remember why. I couldn’t quite hear the voice so I told myself to quit worrying. I had the perfect girl, the love of my life Lucy Mayflower. I was having the time of life so I decided to buy myself another drink. No, I never get drunk. Trust me; neither does Lucy.
"Hey bartender, one shot of tequila please. On the rocks"
"Coming right up sir……………………………here you go" the guy said giving me my drink.
"Thank-you," I said placing a five-dollar bill on the counter. "Keep the change"
"Hey baby. Whatcha got there?" my girl friend Lucy asked.
"Just something little babe. It won’t hurt."
"Well, ok. If you say so," she said and walked off. I just love that girl.
Lucy’s POV
I turned around and walked away. I was keeping track but didn’t need to. I knew Albert. There was no way he was gonna get drunk, he never does. I turned to look back at Albert and I saw HIM. I mean ya sure Mark and Albert were good friends, but that guy has been in jail too much. I raced over to Albert and turned him around. He gasped.
Albert’s POV
Crap. Crap. Crap. That was it. That was what the little voice was saying. I could finally hear it now "Mark’s coming out of jail today. Mark’s coming out of jail today." I believe I couldn’t remember that my best friend was getting out of jail today. He looked at me and smiled.
Marks POV
He saw me. I ran over to him and gave him a man hug. I was soooooo excited. I wondered where Lucy was. I had to ask her something right away.
"Albert, where is Lucy. Is she here?" I asked.
"Ya man she’s here. But why do you want her?"
"Because I am going to ask her out. Before I went to jail she said she would wait for me. And now I’m here," I said while getting up.
"Whoa whoa whoaaa", he said, "let me go talk to her before ok"
Albert’s POV
WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!?????????????? She said that!!!!!!!!! I’m going to set my thoughts straight right now and go ask her I thought while walking over.
created by:yo:))
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
ape itu al capone???
pada mulanya aku pon tidak mgerti apa yg dimaksudakn dengan dua patah perkataan tersebut..
tetapi..itulah gelaran yg telah diberikan kpdeku smnjak due mnjak ni...
hatiku celaru...otakku lebih banyak berfikir...sel2 darahku lebih deras mgalir.
aku binggung mengapekah aku dipnggil sebegitu..
siapekah aku sebenarnye...ape bayangn yg berade di sebalik jiweku ini..
aku buntu..buntu mncari jln pnyelesaian..
selang beberape minit aku berfikir...muncul satu mentol d otak sebelah kiri
barulah ku capone merupakan salah seorang pembunuh dan tauke dadah yg terbesar di itali...
namun..aku masih lagi buntu..mgapekah aku disamekn dgn beliau..
jauh di sudut aty mengikuti jejak beliau...
Friday, January 28, 2011
aku bukanlah sbijak mane,
aku bukanlah sekacak mane,
aku bukanlah seperiang mane,
aku bukanlah serious mane,
aku bukanlah setangkas mane,
aku bukanlah sekejam mane,
aku bukanlah segagah mane,
aku bukanlah selemah mane.
if you want to be disclosed by the words ... it would not be finished ... but the meaning is only one ....
I'm not perfect ......
I'm not perfect ......
Thursday, January 27, 2011
The Mint Chicks "Screens"
Posted below are videos for two singles released from "Screens". Both as visually inspiring and fresh as the music they were produced for.

Sunday, January 23, 2011
my career depends on my mind???
Choosing a career is one of the most important decisions you will ever make. Most people spend half or more of their waking hours five days a week at their jobs. While selecting a career can be a difficult process, the following tips can make this process easier for you.
- Extensive reading about potential careers is vital. You will discover details about careers that you were not aware of. It's important to collect vital information such as career descriptions, career outlooks, employment statistics, educational requirements, and potential earnings.
- Interviewing people in the field is an excellent way to learn about the various aspects of a career. Doing this may also provide good networking opportunities. Informational interviews often change a person's perspective about an occupation. You can find interview candidates by asking friends, teachers, members of an alumni association, and neighbors. You can also contact relevant professional associations and societies, and visit appropriate social and professional networking sites online.
- Internships provide excellent opportunities for acquiring a realistic, clear picture about the daily duties and job satisfaction of a particular occupation. Also, internships provide valuable networking opportunities that may lead to a job. Further, companies often hire interns that perform well. Volunteering also provides many of the advantages of an internship.
- Find a mentor. Many colleges and employers have a formal mentoring program. Also, formal mentoring organizations are available that match mentors with individuals. It's a great way to learn about a career and a mentor can provide valuable networking opportunities. "Mentworking" is a new trend which combines mentoring and networking, and which has shown good results.
- The possibility for a job being outsourced to foreign countries is an important consideration. Job outsourcing information and forecasts can be collected from sources such as articles on the Internet, magazine articles, college counselors, career counselors, professors, employment agencies, and relevant professional associations.
- Look for lists of "hot jobs" on the Internet and in magazines. Do this frequently since these lists keep changing. A "hot job" today may not be "hot" next year or the year after. When evaluating these lists keep in mind your interests, skills, and job satisfaction requirements.
- Many community colleges have career centers that provide free individual and group career counseling. Career counselors can provide assistance with the self-evaluation process, choosing a career, and the job search process.
- Take into consideration the amount of job opportunities in your area for each career you are considering. This is vital if you intend to stay in your current location.
- The skills required for a career are an essential factor for an individual's potential for success in that career. Write a list of the skills needed for a particular field. Place a check next to each skill you possess. The more checks you make, the more likely this field is right for you.
- Your aptitudes should be a vital factor in your career selection process. A gratifying career is often built upon a match with what you are naturally good at. Natural strengths allow an individual to work with ease and to acquire expertise faster.
- Explore the advancement opportunities of each potential occupation. Does advancement require additional education? Will additional education and certification provide you with a significant advantage over the competition? Are supervisory and management opportunities available?
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